”ROLI SHPK”: Eshte padyshim Nje nga kompanite plot reputacion ne Qarkun e Kurbinit e me gjere.
Materiale ndertimi si: Tulla, Hekur, Cimento, Blloqe, Baleta, Etj, dhe te gjitha keto me Cmimet me konkuruese ne treg.
Produktet e saj gjenden ne Veprat inxhinieriko-teknike me te mira ne Qarkun e Kurbinit dhe Transport i siguruar.
Cilesi, Standard, Ekip miqesor, Asistence dhe Kujdes dinamik ndaj klienteles. Gjendet ne Toplisten e CO.Shqiptare dhe nje nga Me te mirat ne Aksin F.Kruje-Lezhe.
Punime Duralumini Genti offers professional services in the field of duralumin and glass. We specialize in the production of aluminum doors and windows, railings, shutters and automatic awnings, as well as various glass works for kitchens and other premises. With several years of experience, we offer maximum quality and customized customization according to customer requirements. In addition to the standardized range, we offer bespoke works, ensuring a great combination of innovation and elegance in every project.